Account Abstraction (EVM)

Learn about the key concepts of Account-Abstraction as implemented in JapserVault

Key Terms from ERC-4337

  • Account Abstraction

Most generally, Account Abstraction (AA) aims to circumvent the limits of status quo externally-owned accounts for users, introducing more efficient and maintainable ways for them to interact with Ethereum.

In ERC-4337, this is achieved via the introduction a separate transaction-like system. The core components of this system are as follows:

  • UserOperations

A simple data structure that describes a transaction that is being initiated on behalf of a user.

It must not be confused with an EVM transaction, although it is similar. They can be considered pseudo-transaction objects.

  • User Operation Mempool

This is a separate mempool where pending UserOperations are sent.

  • Bundlers

These are nodes that listen in on at least one UserOperation mempool and bundle UserOperations into batches for execution in a single transaction, which involves invoking the EntryPoint.handleOps().

  • Entrypoint

Each chain is to have just a single whitelisted EntryPoint contract deployed. Bundlers whitelist the supported EntryPoint.

The EntryPoint verifies and executes the bundles of UserOperations sent to it.

  • Paymaster

A contract that sponsors the gas fees for transactions initiated for the UserOperations of users.

Further Readings

Many existing resources go into greater detail on these concepts.

Last updated